// this is to insert an element in a list and displaying #include int main() { int arr[10],loop,search,check,position ; //declaring the array puts("\n Enter The Element "); for(loop=0; loop<10; loop++)// traversing the loop scanf("%d", &arr[loop]); // input the loop th element //_________________Code for searching____________________________________ printf("Enter The Element to Search For "); scanf("%d",&search); for(loop0; loop<10; loop++) { if(search=arr[loop]){ check=1; position=loop; } else continue; if(check==1) {// if element is present then only delete printf("Element Present At %d ",position+1); //as value of loop starts from 0 //_______________________________Code for Deletion_______________________________________ for(loop=position;loop<10 ;loop++) arr[loop]=arr[loop+1]; // transferring the element one place backwards } else printf("Element Not Present"); //___________________input complete now displaying_____________________ for(loop=0; loop<10; loop++){ //in this I will traverse the list and print printf("%d Element is : %d",loop,arr[loop]);} }